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What are Eosinophilic Disorders?

Eosinophils are a normal cellular component of the blood and also of certain tissues, including spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, and the submucosal areas of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts. Counts of 0 to 450 eosinophils per cubic millimeter of blood are considered within normal limits. Eosinophilic disorders occur when eosinophils are found in above-normal amounts in various parts of the body.

When the body wants to attack a substance, such as an allergy-triggering food or airborne allergen, eosinophils respond by moving into the area and releasing a variety of toxins. However, when the body produces too many eosinophils, they can cause chronic inflammation resulting in tissue damage. Eosinophilic disorders are diagnosed according to the location where the levels of eosinophils are elevated: 

There are many disorders where eosinophils have been found elevated in the blood or in different tissues. General categories of disease, each with examples of those that have increased levels of eosinophils, range from allergic disorders to endocrine disorders.
Definition courtesy of the Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders. 


The ABC’s of EGIDs Webinar Series

“The ABCs of EGIDs”.  This webinar series if for learners, non-physician providers, patients and families to learn more about Eosinophilic Disorders and treatments.  Complete the modules and learn everything you can about EGIDs.  Share with your Physicians!